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CargoNet Customization Cargo Software

CargoNet is an off the shelf ERP Freight Software package which has almost all the features required for the Supply Chain management System. However ICT provides the option of Customizing the Web based ERP for your specific requirements. No matter how simple or how complex your requirement is, CargoNet can be tailor made to match all your application requirements. ICT can do customization of the software at various levels. We can do the

Customization at the Business Logic layer

Before we proceed, it’s highly important to understand the concept of Business Logic Layer in Logistics. It will help you to understand how the CargoNet Business Layer fits into your typical requirement, the components it contains, and the key benefits you get by our Business Logic Layer Customization.
CargoNet Business Logic Layer Components are typically used for Retrieval, Processing, Transformation and management of Application Data. CargoNet divides these components into two sections
Cargo Net’s Business Layer is about how your data is processed after taking input from you through the various Data Entry screens. You will be Entering data at the operational Level. Then CargoNet uses this data to perform a business process.
CargoNet by default has an internal workflow system which performs calculations like Container Loading plan, Volume Weight and Charge Weight calculations etc. This workflow also helps in separating Collect and prepaid shipments, channelize the Data accordingly for Local and Overseas Voucher generation.
There are a host of such Business Layer processes in CargoNet. After having implemented CargoNet we can customize the Data Flow and Calculations as per your requirements For example your company rule may say that before generating the House Bill of Lading from the Job it is mandatory job entry validated by the Operations Head and only after he gives a consent the House BL can be generated. Then ICT can incorporate that Business rule into your CargoNet Customization. This is one of the very simple Customization we are referring to. The other complex calculations may include customized calculations of Warehousing charges based on your criteria, Inventory Management Calculations etc. CargoNet Business workflow components define and coordinate such long running, multistep business processes, and can be customized easily to match your requirements.

Customization at the Database layer

Here we describe the key guidelines for designing the data layer of CargoNet. It will help you to understand how the CargoNet Database Layer Customization fits into your organizations requirement of Data Handling Data Security.
At the Database Layer CargoNet implements two vital components

Data Access Components

These components centralize the Data Capturing process which makes your Data available instantly across your branches and Head office. This Layer also prevents unauthorized access of your Data by other users and External elements by restricting accessibility at various levels. ICT Technical team will study your organizational needs to access and restrict Data and accordingly Customize the process to suit your requirement. For example you may want the branch consolidated data to be available only for selected users. ICT can customize the Data Access Components accordingly.

Service Components

ICT can customize the Service components enabling you to quickly export and import data into or from another database format. For example You may decide to use only the Operational level of CargoNet and want this Data to be exported to your own Custom made Finance package. ICT can Customize Data Export into your Applications Database as per your format. In some cases you may be using customized software for your Warehouse management. You want CargoNet to capture some vital Data from that application for further processing. ICT can effectively Customize Cargo Net’s Database Layer components to import Data quickly from that database.

Modularity of Customization

When ICT customizes your CargoNet application in one module it will have practically no impact on the working of other modules. The Customization is modular and independent of other modules. So you can remove this fear from your mind completely.
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5. Please specify any 2 best reports that you are taking on regular basis?

6. Are you using Copy Job option in CargoNet Software?

7. Are you using Automatic DSR (Daily Status Report) Option? It automatically sends reports to customer about the shipment status

8. Are you using Automatic Outstanding Reports option? Period Auto outstanding reminders to customer

9. Any other thoughts to improve in CargoNet? Please share.

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