Our Team consists of Highly Qualified Professionals

Knowledge Base

CargoNet Core Feature

Finance Features

Cargo Net incorporates this feature as a framework for integrating distributed data source across your Branches and Network. This framework takes control on high-availability and high performance, at the same time maintains high level of data integrity and security.

Airway Bill

Get the Dual Advantage of House and Master Airway Bill with a Single click Import from Job. Real Time Automation helps you reduce the time frame of Way Bill preparation and makes the process completely error free. You can Get the Customer approval by Draft Copy, Print on preformatted Stationary, and have the advantage of exporting to PDF, Excel or Word Formats.


If you feel you are overburdened by Tax Calculations and keeping track of receivables and payables, switching to CargoNet will ease your tasks to a great extent. CargoNet brings in Service Tax Register

Auto SMS

By communicating with your Customers on their PDAs and Hand Held Devices instantly regardless of their location, your Customer relations can improve quite dramatically over a period of time. CargoNet introduces Automated SMS at every level in the system to keep your customers updated by the minute. If you genuinely feel there is a need to improvise on your Customer relations , we suggest you opt for CargoNet

TDS Register

Track all your TDS Payables & Receivables with a single click. CargoNet brings in the Exclusive TDS Register report.


e-Docs besides helping your customers to access their related documents quickly and efficiently without depending on any time restrictions, simplifies your Customer Service process. CargoNet brings in e-docs to make your processing hassle free and perks up your Customer Trust

Pending Reports

As your Business grows, so does your finances. Once the operational level entries are done, you start raising the invoices. Over a period of time you would like to have a regular reporting on the Job wise Vouchers which are yet to be generated. CargoNet brings in Pending Reports


You can have a significant control over the changes in the Exchange rates and will be able to handle Multiple Currencies in a single Job by having a Base Currency as a Standard of reference. You can also View your Exchange rate Loss/Gain Jobwise.

Cargo Sales Report

Get an insight into Liner wise Cargo Sales report with a single click reporting option. CargoNet brings in this crucial report which displays details of Freight Status, Commission, FSCPP FSCCC SSCPP Due Agent, Due Carrier etc

Local/Overseas Invoice

Legacy Systems have often proved to be quite time consuming when it comes to linking Operations with Finance. Multiple level Entries make data redundant and increase the possibilities of errors and duplication. CargoNet brings in Data Import at the invoicing level. By utilizing this your processing time gets reduced by 80%.

Enhanced Search

Quite often when you are opening an existing document in traditional filing and legacy systems the search becomes tedious and time consuming especially when you are not aware of the Document number. CargoNet brings in Enhanced Search at every level in the system to make your life simple

Auto Calculations

The Supply Chain System requires a huge number of calculations right from simple calculations like Taxation, Agents Payables & Receivables, Freight Rate calculations etc. CargoNet brings in a host of Automated Calculations which are aimed at deriving at accurate values besides eliminating the errors that occur because of Manual intervention
(Req: – Kindly Advise on any other that has to be added)

Auto e-mail

Information at Fingertips from being a Buzzword for the technocrats in the Supply chain system has evolved to become the lifeline of the industry. CargoNet brings in Automated Mailing System in the operational and Financial Modules to keep your Customers updated with current status of their Shipments, Outstanding Balances etc from within the System. This will eliminate DEPENDENCE on External mailing system, saving Time and Money.

Daily Status Report

You can View the Number of Houses and Masters generated each day . Details like Shipper, Consignee, Destination, Flight No, Date, Charges, Packages and Gross Weight


Get the Dual Advantage of House and Master Bills of lading with a Single click Import from Job. Real Time Automation helps you reduce the time frame of Way Bill preparation and makes the process completely error free. You can Get the Customer approval by Draft Copy, Print on preformatted Stationary, and have the advantage of exporting to PDF, Excel or Word Formats.

Cargo Manifest

CargoNet brings in the Single Click Cargo Manifest to you which makes your processing Error free and Efficient. Now you can get a summary listing of the cargo manifested by each loading port to cover all cargo loaded into any one Vessel or Airline.

Job Cost Sheet

You can get a complete insight view of Budgeted Vs Actual Income and Expenses and Your Actual Profitability of Jobs Individually and as a Summary based on selected Criteria. It separates Service Tax Payables &receivables and you will exactly know what is the Service Tax you have to Pay to the Government without any Ambiguity

Cargo Tracking

You can Enable your Customers in Tracking their Shipments at every state in Transit right from the Place of Origin till Place of delivery by the state of the Art Technology System Integrated into your Operations.

Daily Sales Report

You can get an Instant view of your sales and deposit transactions customer wise for a period which enables you in evaluating a Customer by the Volume of Business he generates and acts as a major tool for Customer Evaluation Process.

Customer Support

Our Enhanced 24/7 Customer Support is the Back Bone of CargoNet which will respond efficiently and quickly to any of your problems, Enquiry. We provide Mail, Chat, Telephonic and Remote Support No Matter where you are in the Globe!!!

Group Account Statement

You can get a Complete insight into the Ledger Account Details of different accounts Based on group like Sundry Debtors, Sundry Creditors etc.

Export Reports

You can Export any of your reports to PDF, Word and Excel Formats. Which you can attach and send to your Customers

Aging Reports

You can view the list of customers’ accounts receivable amounts by age The report is by default divided into columns of 30-day increments such as 0-30, 31-60, 61-90, 91-120, and 120+ which can be customized according to your requirement. The report alerts management to any slow paying customers.

Lead Management

You can Leverage the Competition in Logistics field by tracking and organizing your contacts with your current and prospective customers. The software allows your employees to store information about customers and customer interactions which then can be accessed by employees in different departments within your company.


Sea Freight import Software
Sea Freight Software

Job Report

Freight Forwarding Software Module
“How many “40 FT GENERAL” containers did we utilize for “Eastern Exports” Last month?” Is one of the typical questions that either goes unanswered or makes your staff to sit with a pile load of files to search. Now Get the Unique Job Report from CargoNet that gives you the freedom to view complete Job information in a single report. CargoNet brings in the Spreadsheet Export option with pre-set filters. You can use the set filters on Container Type, Exporter, Consignee, and practically any other criteria you can think of. It takes just a single click that saves on your most valuable Asset, TIME.

Stock Report

Most of the Times Organizations find it tough to match the Physical stock with the System Stock. CargoNet brings in Accurate Stock Reports that exactly match your Physical Stock in Real Time. Get updated on every day Stock Report instantly through the Web Based Efficient CargoNet Stock Reports. You can View Customerwise, Jobwise, Locationwise, and Masterwise Stock Reports.

Agentwise Reports

Freight Forwarding Software
Get the Detailed Agentwise Payables Report on a single click. CargoNet brings you the option of getting instantly updated on Branchwise and Consolidated reports in a single go. This will help you in keeping a close watch over the pending and maintain a better relation with your Agents Network All over.

Shipment Advice

Air Freight Forwarding Software

MIS Reports

CargoNet MIS Reports represent a Comprehensive Decision supportive Reports that handles all information and gives a detailed drilled down reporting for and about every single transaction that you do. The CargoNet MIS Reports go a long way in keeping your Management Abreast with the Market Trend, Customer Orientation, which will help in Planning for the Future Global Market.

Trip Sheet

Cargo Software
Get the Insight into the detailing of the Trip Sheet by the Minute. Just like the little drops that make up the ocean the savings that you do by monitoring the Trip Sheet adds up significantly to your overall profitability. CargoNet brings in the Detailed Trip Sheet which plays a significant role in monitoring and optimizing your Fuel Consumption by the day.

Truck Expenses

The CargoNet Truck Expenses Data Entry and Reporting is an excellent Tool to effectively Monitor, Measure and Manage your Truck wise expenses that you incur. This Tool helps you in keeping a tab on unnecessary expenses and goes a long way in optimally utilizing your resources and leads to considerable Savings in the Long Run. Because Every penny saved is a Penny earned.
Cargo Truck Expense tracker Software

Consignment Note

Freight Forwarding Software
Now you can get an instant update on the Destination wise status of your Consignments with a single click. CargoNet brings in the unique Tool to keep track of your consignments accurately and efficiently with a single click across your branches and destinations that you cover

Delivery tracking

The CargoNet Delivery Tracking System is a unique yet simple report that reflects the complete shipment wise delivery details. It helps you to better track the Time of Delivery and you can draw a comprehensive analysis based on the report on the Punctuality of the Transportation Team.

Cargo Release

Get instantly updated about cargo Release when the shipments are on the Go. This module will to a great extent help in keeping track of the cargo from the Pickup Order and is helpful in managing and monitoring the Receivables and payables. This module also contains Status Updation for the shipments in transit between Warehouse and the transit Points. Switch to CargoNet warehousing module to reap the benefits of Time Management induced through CargoNet Process flow
Cargo tracking Software

Freight Quotes

Getting the best of Quotes from the Liners and convincing your Customers to get the sales could be sometimes a tough nut to crack. Your Executives who are on the move need a ready reference guide and a Tool that can help them better manage the quotes, negotiate and get the sales going. The CargoNet Freight Quote System links your Freight quotes with your Freight Rate system and tracks to Job Conversion and down to your Financial Statements.


Inventory Control is a crucial Pivotal Point in navigating your shipments in the right path at the Warehousing Level. CargoNet brings in a host of Inventory Tools to monitor your jobs and work orders correctly. These reports will help you Control the Wastage of Materials, Opening and closing Stock, keep a close watch on Material reconciliation, Stock In, Stock Out, and Closely Monitor and control the Warehousing Processes.

Bar Code

CargoNet brings in the State of the Art Technology that allows you to capture a name, signature, date and time at the time Shipments is delivered in a single scan. You may also choose to allow your clients access to the POD search. This data can also be downloaded back to the in-house systems.

Storage Reports

The Storage reports help you Keeping track of your stock, and at a moment’s notice being able to generate reports detailing its movements. CargoNet brings in the revolutionary See-It online stock reporting system which allows you to gain ‘live’ information about your incoming and outgoing consignments by the Minute.

Salary History

Many small businesses struggle with payroll simply because of the lack of time and staff capable of giving payroll the necessary time and effort. On the other hand, many large corporations with entire payroll departments run in to issues that arise when payroll data for thousands of employees has to be tracked. Now CargoNet Payroll System introduces the Auto Generated Salary History Employee wise, periodically. This accurate reporting of every single earning, Contribution and deductions will help the management in keeping track of its Human Resource potential and ways to harness the resource further to the next higher level by adopting and changing HR Policies for Increased Employee Output.

Payroll Taxations

How often have you ended up in a tangle while calculating the Payroll taxations as a part of statutory procedure? How often have you wished you had a better calculating system that accounts for every single penny you or your Employees pay up for Taxations? CargoNet Payroll System eliminates the complexity and ambiguity of Taxations. The accurate calculations lead to Precise Taxation process. The system is backed up by Periodical Internal and External Reports that makes your process simple and Free from Errors.

EDI Checklist

Any Transition from Legacy system to State of the Art Systems takes quite an amount of Time and re-orientation in approach towards the System. The CargoNet EDI brings in the Crucial link between your Clearance procedure by connecting your System in real-Time with the EDI. This will significantly reduce your processing time, cut down on uneconomical expenses and reduce the response time from the statutory bodies. The constantly updated check lists will provide you SINGLE CLICK real Time Connectivity.


Get the Complete Report on the Goods & Services Tax, Sales Tax, and Value Added Tax Transaction wise. The Auto Tax calculations imbibed in the CargoNet System will enable you to get instant updates of Taxations on Receivables, Payables and the Net Tax payable to the Statutory Bodies with a single click. CargoNet is embedded with Auto Tax calculations that can be Customized Country wise, State wise to suit your Currency and Your Taxation System.

Freight Rates

The CargoNet Freight Rate System helps you in monitoring the best of received freight rates from Liners and to transmit the benefits to your Customers quickly and efficiently. This will go a long way in winning the Trust of your customers and get your cargo sales on the move dynamically.


Automated Dockage monitoring and Dockage calculations helps the Port Handlers in better managing the Accounts Receivables accurately. The CargoNet Automated processing and calculations help in generating quick and real time reporting in a single click.

Wharfage Calculations

Wharfage forms a major chunk of processes in Port handling and management system. The Wharfingers find it quite often a tedious task to maintain the Wharfage Fees monitoring and the calculations can be quite complex in nature. CargoNet brings in a host of Automated Calculations that eases your Wharfage related calculations and gets accurate reports with a single click.

Vessel Scheduling

Accurate Vessel scheduling helps the Port Management System in bringing in Synchronization among planned bookings, Resources Allocation, schedule the vessels sailing accurately, increasing the service levels, and enhancing the profits. CargoNet Vessel Scheduling is the Key element that completes the Jigsaw Puzzle of an Efficient Shipment..

Audit Trail

The CargoNet Finance Module will streamline all your internal auditing processes by An audit trail that will establish a chronological list of steps that are necessary to begin the transaction as well as bring it to completion.
Beginning with the receipt of the invoice, CargoNet tracks through Accounts Receivable, Payable, and all the way through to the Remittance of Cheque or electronic Transactions. The Functionality of CargoNet now creates an audited trail to trace all the transactions from initialization to Completion..

Sales Man wise Profitability Reports

Profitability is the single largest factor that keeps an organization on the move and being in the fiercely Competitive Supply Chain segment, your dependency on salesmen is quite evident. CargoNet brings you the unique Profitability reports grouped on Salesmen, Consignee, Shipper and Agents. The report gives you the Yardstick to measure the performance of your sales force on the field in a single click. You can use the salesman wise profitability report to evaluate Perks, Increments and other benefits that you may extend to the Sales Force Team based on performance.


Accurate Bunker Charges calculations will quite often help the Liners, Shippers, Port Authorities and Freight Forwarders in deriving at an accurate Fuel premium added to the freight. The CargoNet Automated Calculations generates Accurate Reports by tracking Changes on a periodic basis monthly or quarterly depending on fluctuation of oil prices.

Ledger List

How often have you ended up searching for groupWise wise listings of your Ledger Accounts in vain? Traditional and Legacy Systems make your listings complex and searching becomes a tedious task. CargoNet brings in GroupWise Ledger Listings in a single click. You can export the listings instantly to Acrobat reader, Spreadsheet, Or a Formatted Text Document.

Salary Slip

Managing Payroll System in the Dynamic Supply Chain segment can be quite a challenging task for the organizations. The CargoNet Payroll System brings in precise Pay Calculations down to the Single Penny of Every Employee in your system. Their earnings for the month, their contributions to different funds, like EPF, ESI, how much have been deducted at source towards Income Tax or Profession Tax and how much have been deducted for absence from duty. It also gives detailing about the bonus they will get for the forthcoming period.


Budgeting in Supply Chain forms a part of the Business Intelligence process as it depends on a host of parameters which are dynamic and sometimes unpredictable in nature. CargoNet brings you the inimitable CargoNetBudget that enables you to Monitor, Measure and Manage your Financial Budgeting. Get the benefit of CargoNet ERP solutions to efficiently plan and organize your operations and Financials in concerto for improvised Cash and Fund Flow planning.

Credit Period

Shipments are taken up on credit basis and keeping track of Receivables quite often poses an annoyance to the Organization. CargoNet brings in the Transaction Locking system based on Credit Period. You can set a Credit period and Maximum Credit Amount period to every Sundry Debtor individually while creating the Ledger. This system automatically locks any further Transactions with the particular Customer after the Credit period expires or the maximum Credit ceiling Amount is reached. Of course, at the Admin level you will have the liberty to open the lock if you feel the credit period or Amount can be extended. This gives you Absolute control over the Accounting Transaction process.

Year End Process

CargoNet introduces the Light Weight Year End Process that will ease all your Payroll related processing that is done periodically at the year End. Manual Or Traditional Systems can delay the process and you might end up with a host of clerical errors at the End of the process that will further complicate the Statutory Process. With a Single click you are relieved from the Burden of having to follow up with every single process as CargoNet calculations enable you to get accurate reports which are in conformance with the statutory compliances in Real Time.

Auto Purchase

Receivables and Payables management is a crucial factor in Supply chain system for you as a Freight Forwarder or as an Agent. CargoNet brings in the State of the Art Tool Auto Purchase which automatically derives your payables from the receivables input. The rates are taken from the Pre-Designed Templates. The System then automatically calculates and generates the CSR periodically which will reduce your burden of maintaining a huge pile of Files and relive you off the complex process of tracking every single transaction for the CSR.

Information Bar

CargoNet is an ever evolving ERP which keeps getting updated with time and the Industry Need. As the Supply Chain application scope expands, CargoNet instantly incorporates the additional features and reports which are updated in the Module in Real Time. CargoNet comes with a Unique Information Bar that keeps you informed about the software updates besides keeping you abreast with the latest News & Events update in the Supply Chain Industry, Latest Notifications, Current trend in Exports and Imports Scenario etc.

Weight Base Rates (CBM Based Rates)

Quite Often the Rates are determined by the volume of shipment handled and sometimes you may offer special prices and discounts based on the volume of Cargo. In this case The CargoNet CBM based Rate management will help you to a large extent by simplifying through Auto calculations which can be derived from a Customized Template.

KG Base Rates

Sometimes the Rates are determined by the Weight of shipment handled and sometimes you may offer special prices and discounts based on the volume of Cargo. In this case The CargoNet KG based Rate management will help you to a large extent by simplifying through Auto calculations which can be derived from a Customized Template.

MS Out Look Integration

Integrating mailing with your legacy systems was virtually next to impossible. Now CargoNet introduces MS Outlook Integration to simplify all your Mailings, Schedules, Appointments and meetings & Alerts. Switch over to CargoNet to simplify your Operations, Finance, and communication and get benefited from the State of the Art Systems by CargoNet..

CSR- Airline

Get Airline wise CSR Reports with complete Details of Master Way Bill, Freight Details, Commission, Due Agent, Due Carrier, etc. CargoNet makes it v ery simple for you to generate these reports with a single click giving detailed drill down reporting system upto the Master Way bill Level.

Customer Rate Template

Most often the clerical errors in the Manual and Legacy systems take an annoying trend while at the invoicing level. Accurate invoicing very crucial for any organization.CargoNet brings in the Customer Rate Template where in you will be creating a Customerwise Charges Template, the Standard set of Charges that occur repeatedly, with Base price, Currency, Freight Type etc. You just have to select the Customer Name and the charges are Auto Imported from the Standard template. Now make any modifications Or Add extra charges and your invoicing is done without any Bugs and it saves a lot of Time Too. Switch to CargoNet to get the Unique Customizable Rate Templates to save and improvise on your organization’s most valued Assets, Time and Efficiency.

Leave Control

Monitoring Employee Leave can be sometimes a tricky situation specifically in the Supply Chain Cycle where in Salesman performance plays a pivotal Role in Business generation. CargoNet brings in Leave Management System to eliminate paperwork and introduce a simple user interface Role sensitive menus and screens that effectively manages and gives an instant update of who is in and who is out at any given time. The System also allows you the Freedom to plan your Employee Leave in advance in co-ordination with department wise heads. Now you can organize your HR System to such an extent that at any given point of time you can make sure of concerned personnel availability without a break in the Business Process. This brings in a perfect synchronization in to your Leave Management and improves the Overall System Efficiency.

Contract Rate Template

Vendor Management and Vendor Transaction handling have a vital impact on your business as it forms a crucial part of your payables. CargoNet brings the Contract Rate Template to ease your Vendor Transactions. All you have to do is just create an initial template for the Vendorwise Charges. Now these templates just get downloaded at the time of Voucher preparation. This not only saves a lot on your Employees Time, it also eliminates Calculation and Typographical Errors, making the System Reliable and Trustworthy.

Employee Attandance

The Employee Attendance Monitoring holds a key element in your Payroll, HR and Profitability equations of your Business. CargoNet brings in Unique Attendance Entry and Monitoring System via a low cost yet capable solution for the automation of employee attendance recording. It includes a swipe Reader/Finger Print Reader for recording arrivals and departures, a set of employee ID badges and simple yet effective Tools for recording and managing the attandance data.

Tonnage Report

Get the Consolidated and detailed Tonnage Report Airline wise. This is a simple yet very useful report for the sense that it gives you an idea about the Total Tonnage and the Chargeable Weight of the Cargo handled Airline wise.

Job Budgeting

Job Budgeting is an important aspect in your organization as much as your Finance Budgeting is. The way you are going to Plan your further shipments and allocate funds for that will determine how effective your Shipment Handling will be and how profitable you can convert them into. The CargoNet Job Budget is a unique platform where in you can forecast your Jobs ahead and plan your Job Budgeting in the MICRO LEVEL.

Voucher Control

If you were to be asked now “When was the last time your Voucher Updations and frequent changes landed you in trouble in your Traditional and Legacy systems?” most of the times the answer would be “oh just today it happened. We are lost and notable to control or keep track of these changes”CargoNet brings in The Voucher Control Mechanism which literally locks a financial transaction at the Voucher evel after a particular period that you specify. This will not only help in Tampering Prevention but will also avoid any human errors that result in financial disruptions. When you switch to CargoNet, the benefits such innumerable “Essential Tools” and “Essential Methods” will make your transactions more efficient and less prone to errors and omissions.

Data Duplication Control

Duplicate Data is an immense threat that always keeps lurking in the corner in your Traditional and Legacy Systems. This will invariably end up in total system chaos at various stages right from job to billing, At the Ledger Level, and finally at the balance sheet level. CargoNet introduces the Unique Data Duplicate Control right from Master Database Creation Level to the complete Transactions Level. This Filter eliminates the Potential Duplication threats in the System completely.

Km Base Rates

Local Transportation Module of CargoNet is equipped with many Automated Rate calculations based on various parameters. The CargoNet Kilometer Based Rate calculations are very useful in determining the receivables part based on the number of Kilometers utilized by trucks. You can monitor the Transactions Truck wise, Driver wise which will also help in keeping a tab on expenses part.

Enhancements & Deductions

The Enhancements and Deductions module makes the Pay Slip generation a simple process. CargoNet gives you a simple user interface where in you can enter all your Employee Enhancements like Leave Encashment, HRA, TA, DA, and Contributions like Provident Fund, Deductions like Professional and Income Tax Calculations, and various other Customizable Para meters in to the system. The System streamlines Payroll calculations to generate Accurate Salary Slips.

Vehicle Performance

Vehicle Performance assumes a lot of significance in Local Transportation System. The CargoNet Vehicle Performance Report shows the total revenue and Utilisation rates for each individual vehicle, chronicled by vehicle category, Shipper, Consignee and various other Parameters. The total revenue calculations are based on various Customizable Parameters. The System generates accurate reports based on the inputs captured at key points in the Local Transportation System.

Cartage Report

Carting assumes the most significant aspect in the Supply chain Industry and being in the Industry you are well aware of its importance. CargoNet brings you accurate Cartage Reporting to the Penny Level. You can get Carting SMS once your shipment arrives inside the CFS. Get accurate Customs Container Freight Station Reports on the minute. We can customize the reporting to be linked to the EDI which will obviously increase your System Efficiency.

Spreadsheet Exportable Reports

Quite often you tend to require bulky and Complex Reports based on Multiple Fields, Multiple Criteria and you may have to set filters based on various parameters in a single report. The best example would be Job Report. Similar to Job Report You can generate Pending Invoices, Pending Credit Notes, Pending Debit Notes and a host of other Financial Reports which are exported to a Spreadsheet Application with Pre-Set Filters based on Customizable Parameters.

Exchange Rates Bulk

The Customs Exchange rates for Import and Export are based on Month wise Updations. CargoNet brings in the Exchange Rate Bulk System which can be input into the Master Database in the beginning of the Month. This exchange rate for Exports and Imports is automatically picked up by the System at the Transaction Level. The system will also generate an Exchange Rate Gain/Loss Report Periodically in comparison with Import and Export processes.

Multi Branch

CargoNet as a Web based ERP has standard Multi Branch Data Collection, Analysis and Reporting Mechanism in Real Time Processing. By Deploying CargoNet Client Applications at your branch levels you can gather data from Multi Locations integrate them and draw Analysis, generate Reports at the Detailed and Consolidated Levels quickly, efficiently and in Real Time.

Exchange Rates on Transaction Level

Quite Often, the Exchange rates may vary for a particular shipment. In that case CargoNet offers you the Freedom and Flexibility to monitor the Exchange Rate at the Job level.

Multi Company

CargoNet has the ability to track Multiple Company Transactions and bring them under a common head. The process of brining different company heads together under one roof is be done based on the standard industry standards besides generating N Number of Customized and general reports which are particular to a company and those which are aggregates for the different company heads together.

Extensive Search

Transaction Tracking is a tedious task in Manual and Traditional Systems where in you have to go through a number of procedure and filings for tracking a particular Job Master BL, Or invoice based on a particular criteria. CargoNet gives you the flexible system in which you can search for a particular record based on ‘N’ number of Criteria. You can search for a Job Based on Job Number, Shipper, Consignee, Container Number, Or Gross & Net Weight and a host of possible parameters whichever is easier for you to remember. The Unique CargoNet INDEXING and TAGGING Mechanism allows you to quickly browse through a pile of records in the Database to access the required information instantly without having to sweat too much.


Whether you understand English or Deutsch, or langue française, lengua de panish or any other Global Language, CargoNet has a user interface for you exclusively. CargoNet gives you the freedom where the language can be selected dynamically, either at the time of invocation of the System or subsequently during its execution. Typically, CargoNet will permit your End users to interact with the System in an array of languages. Based on our extensive analysis and practical implementation over a period of time, we have observed a dramatic increase in the End User Efficiency level based on multilingual capability of the System. In some cases the End users from Germany, Italy and France have experienced an increase by 30-40% in their efficiency level after Switching over to the CargoNet Multilingual Environment.

Multi Tasking

The CargoNet Multitasking Environment saves a lot of your Employee Time specifically when they will have to juggle between multiple modules Entry, Analysis and report Generation features at the same time. The Multiple Tabs give you the freedom to work on Air export Job, generate a Sea Import CAN, and monitor the Exchange Rate Simultaneously in distinct windows inside the same application without the Data Clash between the Modules. Gain the biggest advantage of achieving multiple tasking from CargoNet to simplify your Employee work Flow and make it more Efficient & Effective.


CargoNet is primarily a web based ERP with centralized Database Architecture to Support Multiple Branch Transactions to be controlled from your head Office. Sometimes you will be forced to go offline at situations when the network is down but you cannot afford to wait until the net is restored. CargoNet offers a Decentralized Entry option at that instance where in your Entries and processing is taken over temporarily by the Local Server. Once the net connection is up you can just transfer the data in to the centralized system which saves a lot of your transaction time.

FCR Report

The CargoNet Dynamic Reporting system quickly generates your FCR based on Job Data with a single click. This non-negotiable document issued by a forwarder will satisfy the legal requirements of a letter of credit. Being a forwarder and non NVOCC sometimes you may not be able to issue actual bills of lading. The CargoNet FCR is legally binding upon the forwarder and is an industry standard Report.